Maui County Department of Public Works
Proposed Liloa Drive Extension
Proposed Liloa Drive Extension
Project Overview
The County of Maui, Department of Public Works (DPW) is proposing to extend Liloa Drive (also known as the North-South (N-S) Collector Road) and its integrated, landscaped Share Use Path (also known as the Kīhei Bikeway) from the vicinity of East Waipuʻilani Road to the vicinity of Kaʻonoʻulu Street. The proposed Liloa Drive Extension project is located in an urbanized area of Kihei, Maui, Hawaii and involves an approximately 0.93 mile extension of Liloa Drive
The Liloa Drive Extension, East Waipu‘ilani Road to Ka‘ono‘ulu Road is a segment of the North-South Collector Road identified in the Federal-Aid Highways 2035 Transportation Plan for the District of Maui dated July 2014, as Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022-2025(+2) Transportation Improvement Program approved July30, 2021, a potential long-range capacity solution programmed for construction in FFY 2025. Refer to the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization website ( for more detailed information.
The project is a segment of the long-planned North-South Collector Road and will increase capacity, improve traffic circulation, alleviate traffic congestion, and provide a safe corridor complete with landscaped pedestrian and bicycle facilities across two (2) modern bridge spans.