Maui County Department of Public Works
Proposed Liloa Drive Extension
Proposed Liloa Drive Extension
Project Design
The proposed Liloa Drive Extension will provide a 0.93-mile extension of Liloa Drive, connecting the existing terminus of Liloa Drive near the vicinity of East Waipu‘ilani Road to the vicinity of Ka‘ono‘ulu Street. The project is a segment of the long-planned North-South Collector Road and will increase capacity, improve traffic circulation, alleviate traffic congestion, and provide a safe corridor complete with landscaped pedestrian and bicycle facilities across two (2) modern bridge spans.
Specific improvements include:
Two-lane roadway with curbs, gutters, sidewalk, curb ramps
Landscaped shared use paths for bicycle and pedestrians
Three (3) roundabouts at the intersections of Liloa Drive and Waipuilani Road, Kulanihakoi Street, and Kaonoulu Street
Two (2) bridges at Kulanihakoi Gulch and Waipuilani Gulch
A box culvert at an unnamed drainageway
Retaining walls, fencing, railings
Street lights
Storm drain systems
Relocating and installing new overhead and underground utility facilities (including relocating/replacing existing 69 kV utility poles)
Typical Road Section & Bike/Walking Section
Rendering courtesy of Warren S. Unemori Engineering, Inc
Typical Bridge Section & Bike/Walking Section
Rendering courtesy of Warren S. Unemori Engineering, Inc