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Proposed Liloa Drive Extension

Project Design

 The proposed Liloa Drive Extension will provide a 0.93-mile extension of Liloa Drive, connecting the existing terminus of Liloa Drive near the vicinity of East Waipu‘ilani Road to the vicinity of Ka‘ono‘ulu Street.  The project is a segment of the long-planned North-South Collector Road and will increase capacity, improve traffic circulation, alleviate traffic congestion, and provide a safe corridor complete with landscaped pedestrian and bicycle facilities across two (2) modern bridge spans.

Specific improvements include:

  • Two-lane roadway with curbs, gutters, sidewalk, curb ramps

  • Landscaped shared use paths for bicycle and pedestrians

  • Three (3) roundabouts at the intersections of Liloa Drive and Waipuilani Road, Kulanihakoi Street, and Kaonoulu Street

  • Two (2) bridges at Kulanihakoi Gulch and Waipuilani  Gulch

  • A box culvert at an unnamed drainageway

  • Retaining walls, fencing, railings

  • Street lights

  • Storm drain systems

  • Relocating and installing new overhead and underground utility facilities (including relocating/replacing existing 69 kV utility poles)

Typical Road Section & Bike/Walking Section

Liloa Dr Ext - Typ Section Renderings_12-18-2020_Page_2.jpg

Rendering courtesy of Warren S. Unemori Engineering, Inc

Typical Bridge Section & Bike/Walking Section

Liloa Dr Ext - Typ Section Renderings_12-18-2020_Page_2.jpg

Rendering courtesy of Warren S. Unemori Engineering, Inc

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